Welcome to the final season of Earth

Come and take a seat, there's nowhere else to go, and we have popcorn and Mad Dog 20/20

Front row seats in the train crash
Are you sick of reactionary gobshites forever on social media telling you they've been cancelled? Do you wake up at night wondering what shitmuppetary will be on the news in the morning? Are you worried about what's going on over the pond and are you bracing for the ripples? Do you despair of casual racism and homophobia? If some knob calls you 'woke' do you consider this a badge of honour that you're not like them?  Is your town and possibly family full of idiots?  Then this, my friend is for you.  All creeds and colours. I don't care what your pronouns are, who you identify as, who you shag or what if any religion you've got.  Quite frankly it's got fuck all to do with me or anyone else.  The only rule is that you aren't an arsehole.  So come in, grab a seat and a glass and lets all watch this fuckwitfest in real time.

This site isn't monetised.  You don't even have to buy me a coffee. No one takes a wage. Just doing the site because someone has to.   

Front row seats in the train crash

12th March 2025 - As the possibility of a cease-fire seems on the horizon - what does this mean and what are people on the ground thinking about this.

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11th March 2025 - Călin Georgescu was hoping to be the Far Right candidate for the Romanian Presidential election until he was found with a million euros and a cache of guns and arrested. He is alledged to have been bankrolled by both Russia and Elon Musk to destablise NATO and Eastern Europe.

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10th March 2025 - What do we do when the computers take all our jobs - which they will, and soon. UBI (Univsersal Basic Income) is a possible way forward. With the correct safeguards the investment will save more than it invests while at the same time preseving the dignity of labour and relieving poverty, it also requires redistribution of surplus wealth. This is why the rich don't like it.

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9th May 2025 - I know, it's another article about the Fucked-up Family Windsor, the proud and unapologetic descendants of warmongering slave traders, ethnic cleansers, mass murderers and robber barons. At least this one doesn't talk about Great Uncle Nonce, the Duke of Dirtybastardshire.

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8th March 2025 - When Corbyn was smeared with accusations of anti-Semitism, we predicted that this weaponisation and diluting would come back and haunt Jewish commuties. And here we are.

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7th March 2025 - do you recall when Call Me Dave called a referendum to placate the blue rinse bigots in the Tory party in the hope they wouldn't fuck-off to UKIP? Call me Dave legged it and left a hand granade that goes off every fucking day. Thanks very much you spam-faced bacon noncer .

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6th March 2025 - There's a phrase in Russian: 'Vranyo'. It's all about lying. It's when you lie, knowing that the person you're lying to knows you're lying and they know that you know they know your lying. It's to create an opaque reality where truth and lies blur and have no meaning, and confusion and chaos rule. It might just be easier to tell the fucking truth in the first place and not be a cock, Vlad.

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5th March 2025 - People who vote for Reform don't really know what it stands for. Most think it's just about sending Brown people back home so. If they did they wouldn't vote for it. This of course suits Reform because they are literally banking on ignorance and bigotry push their way into number 10.

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4th March 2025 - GBeebies. It's like a talking Daily Telegraph meets Pinocchio on spice in a Russian bot farm, with Lee Anderson thrown in to boot. Well I'm sure he'll boot someone before the day is out, the muttonheaded twat.

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3rd March 2025 - Can we trust Trump? Is NATO finished? If so what will replace it. Is Europe a less safe place because of Trump?

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28th Feb 2025 - If you ever wondered how Trump behaves in business you saw it here. It was like Hitler and Ribbentropp went at Hácha in 1938 and the similarities don't end there. Trump said it was good TV. How else could Putin see his handy work?

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27th Feb 2025 - After Kim Jong-Un, Elon Musk is Donald's favourite rocket man. You may think that Elon will save the world, that he is sent from God to drain the swamp. You should know you live in the swamp. And Elon doesn't like you.

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Tetley's Talking Shop
Our world, quite frankly is a bit mad these days.  Some say the lunatics have taken over the asylum.  Some also say the Earth is 6,000 years old and is flat so there's quite a spectrum there.  They say a lot of things - and most of them are bollocks. So do you find yourself shouting at the News?  Are you still watching Question time and if you are, does it make you despair that some of those those fuckers have the vote?

It used to be so easy, there was Labour and the was Conservative and you could almost recognise who someone would vote for by looking at them in the street.  It's not like that anymore.  Basically, because we have this custard in the centre of barely identifiable career politicians that are, whether they like it or not, the midwives responsible for the likes of Reform by their disconnect with the electorate.  Vanilla politics for beige people.  Only thing is the people aren't beige.  

They say talking is the best therapy but there's not many places where you can look at the what-the-fuckery that's going on these days without some arsehole telling you to stop over-reacting.  If you need somewhere to vent or even just to formulate some ideas, think of this as a safe place, a sentient Wetherspoons, only without a mile walk to the toilets and the casual racism.  

There's forums and a comments section on each blog.  So come on in, grab a seat and grab a drink.  
Tet Talk: Let's talk about settler colonialism

There are many settler colonial states around the world. The general rule of thumb is if you are a nationalist and there were people living there before your people arrived and you upended their culture and either exterminated them or turned them into second class citizens, Then you are a settler colonial. Ulster, the USA and Israel are prime examples. As is Crimea.

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Tet Talk: Lets Talk about Extremism

Extremism is created when the pressure valves that prevent it aren't there. When, for example, the Government makes peaceful protest illegal, people will look for alternative means of direct action. When the Goverment acts to oppress when it gets too much there is an inevitable push back

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Tet Talk: Let's talk about 'From the river to the sea'

The Israelis and their Zionist supporters would have you believe that From the River to the sea is an anti-Semitic incitement to genocide. On the contrary, it is the nationalist Likud declaration of intent to land grabs, ethnic cleansing and population displacement. It's in Likud's founding platform FFS.

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Tet Talk: Let's talk about self-hating Jews

Spoiler alert - there's no such thing outside the minds of some pretty twisted Zionist Fucks

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Tet Talk: Let's Talk about terrorism

They say one man's terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. They also say an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. Face it the world isn't a pretty place and nothing happens in a vacuum.

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Together with TetTalks and the TetleysTLDR blog, like to showcase other works 

Day 1110 of the war

Ukrainian pundit Hugh Dellar brings an interesting analysis written by Vlad Vexler and looking a bit deeper into the political custard around the potential ceasefire

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Trump won't last his full term

The Donald is a legend in his own mind. The say pride comes before a fall and this mad is pride personified. The drop may be long and it may be at the end of a rope.

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Quand tout part en vrille : réflexions depuis la France

No sane person wants war or wants us to have to prepare for war. If the Budapest accords had been honoured and the Crimea protected in 2014, it's a reasonable assumption that we wouldn't be three years into a war which threatens the existence of Europe. Even then the satus quo would be maintained in there wasn't a madman in the Whitehouse.

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