Our world, quite frankly is a bit mad these days. Some say the lunatics have taken over the asylum. Some also say the Earth is 6,000 years old and is flat so there's quite a spectrum there. They say a lot of things - and most of them are bollocks. So do you find yourself shouting at the News? Are you still watching Question time and if you are, does it make you despair that some of those those fuckers have the vote?
It used to be so easy, there was Labour and the was Conservative and you could almost recognise who someone would vote for by looking at them in the street. It's not like that anymore. Basically, because we have this custard in the centre of barely identifiable career politicians that are, whether they like it or not, the midwives responsible for the likes of Reform by their disconnect with the electorate. Vanilla politics for beige people. Only thing is the people aren't beige.
They say talking is the best therapy but there's not many places where you can look at the what-the-fuckery that's going on these days without some arsehole telling you to stop over-reacting. If you need somewhere to vent or even just to formulate some ideas, think of this as a safe place, a sentient Wetherspoons, only without a mile walk to the toilets and the casual racism.
There's forums and a comments section on each blog. So come on in, grab a seat and grab a drink.