Tet Talk: Let's talk about settler colonialism

There are many settler colonial states around the world. The general rule of thumb is if you are a nationalist and there were people living there before your people arrived and you upended their culture and either exterminated them or turned them into second class citizens, Then you are a settler colonial. Ulster, the USA and Israel are prime examples. As is Crimea.

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Tet Talk: Lets Talk about Extremism

Extremism is created when the pressure valves that prevent it aren't there. When, for example, the Government makes peaceful protest illegal, people will look for alternative means of direct action. When the Goverment acts to oppress when it gets too much there is an inevitable push back

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Tet Talk: Let's talk about 'From the river to the sea'

The Israelis and their Zionist supporters would have you believe that From the River to the sea is an anti-Semitic incitement to genocide. On the contrary, it is the nationalist Likud declaration of intent to land grabs, ethnic cleansing and population displacement. It's in Likud's founding platform FFS.

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Tet Talk: Let's talk about self-hating Jews

Spoiler alert - there's no such thing outside the minds of some pretty twisted Zionist Fucks

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Tet Talk: Let's Talk about terrorism

They say one man's terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. They also say an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. Face it the world isn't a pretty place and nothing happens in a vacuum.

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