Trump says Ukraine should pay back what the US has put into the war by handing over half it's Sovereign mineral rights in perpetuity. Ignoring that Ukraine was invaded by Russia and that the rest of NATO understood that if Russia won this doesn't end with Ukraine, what Trump is proposing is more punitive than the reparations placed on Germany following World War I in the Treaty of Versailles - and they were an aggressor not a victim. You don't help your friends and allies out with a gun in one hand and a spreadsheet in the other. How much money have Boeing, Lockheed and all the other arms vultures in the US made out of this war? Ok but it's all well and good when you our need help isn't it? Here's a list of non US deaths suffered by countries helping the US out in its so called war on terror when it asked for help:
United Kingdom: 179 Italy: 33 Poland: 30 Ukraine: 18 Bulgaria: 13 Spain: 11 Denmark: 7 El Salvador: 5 Slovakia: 4 Latvia: 3 Estonia: 2 Netherlands: 2 Thailand: 2 Australia: 2 Romania: 2 Hungary: 1 Kazakhstan: 1 South Korea: 1 Czech Republic: 1
United Kingdom: 457 Canada: 158 France: 89 Germany: 62 Italy: 53 Poland: 44 Australia: 41 Spain: 35 Denmark: 43 Georgia: 32 Netherlands: 25 New Zealand: 10 Norway: 10 Estonia: 9 Romania: 26 Hungary: 7 Sweden: 5 Latvia: 4 Portugal: 2 Finland: 2 Czech Republic: 14 Turkey: 16 Jordan: 2 South Korea: 1
These countries sent forces in without question and without a cash register when you were in need and let blood in your cause. Perhaps you should pay particular attention to the Canadian, Danish and Ukrainian deaths since your Tangerine Shitgibbon of a President has spouted garbage and threats against them. If the US wants to go it alone. All well and good. If NATO is over - so be it, something else will take its place. When we have allies we need to know they have our back and we can't say that anymore with you MAGA POS wankspanners. Still Trump always punchs downwards doesn't he? I hope you're all fucking proud of yourselves.