22 Feb
Los Golfo des Gringo Locos

66 Million years ago in the Yucatan Peninsula, a comet hit the ground at travelling at 17,000 mph and a made a huge crater. It is scientifically recognised to be at least partially responsible for killing all the dinosaurs. That crater eventually cooled, filled in and on the land side around its edges there developed sink holes.  These sink holes joined into subterranean aterways and created isolated environmental ecosystems. These gave rise to bacteria and small plankton like creatures that exist underground and nowhere else. In the dark, they are completely separated from and have no idea of any other lifeforms on the planet. These lifeforms give more of a fuck about Donald Trump and his Gulf of America than I do. The Tangerine Shitgibbon can pull his tiny foreskin over his head and pretend to be a mushroom for all I care.

You can call a snail a duck, but it will still be a snail.  You might call it the Gulf of America, but as sure as eggs is unaffordable in the FUSofA today, no one else will.  You say Tomato - I say fuck you  

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