06 Mar
Putin: the art of propaganda and smear
They say the first casualty of war is the truth and that a lie can go around the world three times before the truth has got its boots on.  

I've noticed that more Russian driven propaganda is finding its way into social media.  Particularly in left wing circles.  Significantly, I've come across the following clearly Russian drafted piece on several social media sites. If you've followed how the Russians work it's clear to see what is happening here and it's full to the brim with Russian nationalist tropes.  It's  crudely drafted by Russia to smear Ukrainian sovereignty, Zelenskyy, reinforce Russian war aims and claim a Russia right to intervene where there are Russian speakers.  While Zelenskyy may not be perfect, no politician is, and whilst Ukraine may have many of the problems of a young state, this misinformation has only one beneficiary and that is Putin.  I thought this deserved a calling out.

For years, he was hailed a hero. For some, he still is. Now he's exposed. Here’s the history of the Ukraine & Volodomyr Zelenskyy you won't hear from the media

Zelenskyy has never had the cards. He isn’t some brave leader calling the shots. He’s a desperate man, clinging to power in a collapsing regime, propped up by Western money, weapons & propaganda. And with Ukraine losing the PR war & real war, he's panicking.

Ukraine wasn't an independent actor in this war. The real power brokers are in Washington, Brussels & London, playing their geopolitical games.This war was engineered to weaken Russia. To understand that, you need to understand the history that they’ll never tell you.

Ukraine and Russia have been bound together for over 1,000 years. Kiev, Ukraine’s capital, once the heart of Kievan Rus, the first great Slavic state, laid the foundations for Russia itself. 

Ukraine’s very name means "borderland", which means the borderland of Russia.  For centuries, it was an integral part of the Russian Empire, not some “oppressed” nation. 

Even during the Soviet era, Ukraine wasn’t occupied—it was central to the USSR. 

Even Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev was Ukrainian.

When the USSR collapsed, Ukraine became independent and Washington stepped in, not to help Ukraine, but to weaponise it against Russia.

The U.S. & NATO lied to Gorbachev, promising they wouldn’t expand “one inch eastward." Yet NATO moved into Poland and the Baltic States.

Ukraine was the ultimate NATO prize.The West poured billions into Ukraine—funding pro-NATO political groups, NGOs & media to manufacture an anti-Russian state.

In 2004, the CIA backed the "Orange Revolution," overturning an election that favoured a pro-Russian candidate. The real coup came in 2014.

Ukraine’s democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, rejected an EU trade deal that would have destroyed Ukraine’s economy. That was unacceptable to Washington. So they removed him via a manufactured colour revolution.The so-called "Maidan Revolution" wasn’t a grassroots movement. It was a CIA-backed coup—orchestrated by officials like Victoria Nuland. 

So brazen was Washington, that Nuland was even caught on a leaked call, handpicking Ukraine’s next leader before Yanukovych was gone.

The violent mobs that took over Kiev weren’t peaceful protesters. They were led by neo-Nazi groups like Azov Battalion: groups that openly celebrate Nazi collaborators and wear SS insignia.  These same groups now receive Western weapons.

The post-coup regime then banned the Russian language—directly attacking millions of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the east.  

That’s when Donbass & Crimea said enough. Crimea held a referendum, over 90% voted to return to Russia. The Donbass also voted for independence.  The people of the Donbass rejected Kiev, but Kiev wouldn’t let them go. Instead, they launched a brutal war on their own people, shelling civilians for eight years. Where was the Western outrage? Nowhere!

And what about Zelenskyy? Who is he? Is he an organic leader who came from nowhere or was he installed?  Covert Action reported that, in 2020, Zelenskyy secretly met with MI6 head Richard Moore. Why would a foreign president meet with the UK’s top spy instead of its PM?  

Is Zelenskyy a UK asset? According to reports, he is personally protected by British, not Ukrainian security. When he visited the Vatican, he snubbed the Pope and met with a British bishop. Guess who else was there? Richard Moore from MI6 again! That's some coincidence.

Before politics, Zelenskyy was a comedian and actor—literally playing the president on a TV show. Then, with the help of Western PR teams, fiction became reality.His campaign was funded by oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, who owned Ukraine’s largest oil company and bank.

Once in power, Zelenskyy’s priority wasn’t fighting corruption—it was making sure BlackRock & Western banks took over Ukraine’s economy.Meanwhile, he funnelled millions into offshore accounts, and is alleged to have acquired a $34m mansion in Miami as well as a £multi London apartment. Nothing would surprise me if he did.

By 2022, NATO had armed Ukraine to the teeth, and Kiev had amassed forces near Donbass.

Russia had a choice: Let Donbass face ethnic cleansing; Let NATO turn Ukraine into a military base; Or,Intervene. They intervened, just as other nations would in those circumstances. The media screamed “unprovoked invasion.” But NATO expansion, the 2014 coup, eight years of war on Donbass, this war was provoked every step of the way.

Ukraine was set up as a pawn.  With Ukraine losing, Zelenskyy is being abandoned. Donald Trump told him: "You don’t have the cards." And he’s right. This war was engineered. Ukraine needed Western intervention to win & that would mean that WW3 would/could be inevitable. It’s time the world wakes up to that reality.  The war in Ukraine was deliberately provoked by the West. Zelenskyy is just another puppet, his time is running out..

So lets unpick this:

"Zelenskyy has never had the cards. He isn’t some brave leader calling the shots. He’s a desperate man, clinging to power in a collapsing regime, propped up by Western money, weapons & propaganda." 
This is a blatant mischaracterisation of Zelenskyy’s leadership. When Russia launched its full-scale invasion in February 2022, the US and other Western allies offered to evacuate Zelenskyy from Kyiv for his safety. His now-famous response, "I need ammunition, not a ride, "cemented his status as a leader who was willing to fight alongside his people rather than flee”.  Far from ‘clinging to power’, Zelenskyy has maintained high levels of public support, as seen in multiple independent polls. Ukraine remains a functioning democracy despite the war, with an independent parliament, active civil society, and media. While Ukraine relies on Western aid, it is not a puppet state but a sovereign nation fighting for its survival. 

"Ukraine wasn't an independent actor in this war. The real power brokers are in Washington, Brussels & London, playing their geopolitical games." 
This claim delegitimises and seeks to erase Ukrainian sovereignty. Ukraine has consistently pursued policies aligned with its own interests, such as European integration and military modernisation, long before the 2022 war.  The idea that Ukraine is merely a Western pawn is a Russian propaganda trope meant to delegitimise its sovereignty. Furthermore, in December 2021, before the full-scale invasion, Zelenskyy offered to negotiate with Russia and even discussed Ukraine's neutral status. Putin refused and launched the invasion anyway, proving this was never about NATO or the West but about Russia’s imperial ambitions. 

"This war was engineered to weaken Russia." 
This is blatantly Russia crying victim is an attempt Russia initiated the war, not NATO or Ukraine. The full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was a direct violation of international law. If the West truly wanted to "engineer" this war, why did European countries continue to buy Russian gas up until the invasion? The reality is that the West was reluctant to cut economic ties with Russia until Putin forced their hand.  If this was about NATO expansion, why did Russia not invade the Baltic States prior to them joining NATO? 

"Ukraine and Russia have been bound together for over 1,000 years... Ukraine’s very name means 'borderland'—which means the borderland of Russia." 
The name "Ukraine" actually comes from the old Slavic word for "land" or "region," not "borderland of Russia." Ukraine was an independent state multiple times in history, most notably in 1917–1920 before being crushed by Soviet forces. The notion that Ukraine has no independent history is a core element of Russian imperialist ideology and is widely rejected by historians.  Equally large swathes of it that were in teh oppressed Pale of Settlement in the Russian Empire were in the Poland/Lithuania commonwealth in the middle ages and the part my Great Grandparents were from and left in 1860 in the Pogroms was in Poland from 1919 until 1939 when the Russians invaded. 

"For centuries, it was an integral part of the Russian Empire, not some ‘oppressed’ nation." Ukraine was not simply "part" of Russia, it was subjugated by it. Under the Russian Empire and later the Soviet Union, Ukrainian language and culture were suppressed. The Holodomor (1932–33), a man-made famine under Stalin, deliberately killed millions of Ukrainians. To suggest Ukraine was never "oppressed" is historical revisionism. 

"When the USSR collapsed, Ukraine became independent and Washington stepped in—not to help Ukraine, but to weaponise it against Russia." This shows you how this is straight out and out Russian propaganda. Ukraine declared independence through a democratic referendum in 1991, with over 90% voting in favour. This was a Ukrainian decision, not an American one. For years, Ukraine maintained a neutral stance, even giving up its Soviet-era nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees (the 1994 Budapest Memorandum).  This also stated in Treaty that the west would come to Ukraine’s aid if Russia threatened it.  If the West's goal was to "weaponise" Ukraine, why did NATO hesitate to accept it as a member? Ukraine applied for NATO membership in 2008 but was not admitted due to fears of provoking Russia. The idea that Ukraine was being “prepared” as a Western weapon does not stand up to historical or logical scrutiny. 

"The so-called 'Maidan Revolution' wasn’t a grassroots movement. It was a CIA-backed coup—orchestrated by officials like Victoria Nuland." 
'So called’ tells you all you need to know about the origin of this. The Euromaidan protests in 2013–14 were a genuine, mass uprising against President Viktor Yanukovych after he refused to sign an EU trade deal and instead accepted a Russian bailout. Millions took to the streets in protest, not because of the CIA, but because Ukrainians overwhelmingly supported European integration. The claim about Victoria Nuland "handpicking" Ukraine’s new leadership is a distortion of a leaked phone call where she discussed possible candidates. Ukraine’s post-Maidan government was chosen through democratic elections in 2014, not an American-led coup.  I was watching Euro Maidan as it panned out and it got messy when Yanukovich brought in thugs that started killing unarmed protesters.  It’s a funny thing history, it collapses the propaganda if you know what happened.  This is just Russian gaslighting. 

"The post-coup regime then banned the Russian language, directly attacking millions of Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the east." 
Absolute rubbish. This is a Russian trope to push Russian nationalist imperialism. Ukraine has never banned the Russian language. Russian is still widely spoken, and the claim that Russian speakers were "attacked" is an excuse Russia used to justify its military intervention. While some language laws promoted Ukrainian in official settings, they did not ban Russian, and even Zelenskyy himself was a native Russian speaker.  Using that argument there are Russian speakers in Moldova and the Baltic States and former Russian communities in Alaska.  Taking it to its conclusion, does this mean Russia has a claim to Kensington? Or even does China equally have a claim to it's traditional lands north of the Amur river that Russia annexed in the 1800s?

"That’s when Donbass & Crimea said enough. Crimea held a referendum, over 90% voted to return to Russia." 
The Crimean referendum was held at gunpoint, with no legitimate international oversight. Russian soldiers, the "little green men" (unmarked Russian and Wagner troops), seized key government buildings before the vote.  In Donbass, Russia orchestrated a violent insurgency, using Wagner Group mercenaries and local separatists to destabilise the region. This was not a spontaneous uprising, it was a Russian-backed proxy war against Ukraine. 

"By 2022, NATO had armed Ukraine to the teeth, and Kiev had amassed forces near Donbass."
More verifiable mistruths pushed by Russia.  Before 2022, Ukraine had an underfunded military. Western military aid only increased significantly after Russia invaded. If Ukraine was armed to the teeth it might have saved Kherson and Mariupol.  The idea that Ukraine was preparing to "cleanse" Donbass is a fabrication designed to justify Russian aggression. Putin, like Trump often blames others for what he ddoes himself.  Russia’s Wagner Group has also played a central role in Luhansk, helping orchestrate attacks on Ukrainian positions and providing key military support to pro-Russian separatists. This is direct evidence of Russia’s involvement in the war in Donbass long before 2022. 


A lot has been made about Zelenksyy’s wealth so we should take a look at that.  And we should look at it before and after the elected." Before entering politics, Zelenskyy was already a successful comedian and businessman. He co-founded Kvartal 95, a major TV production company in Ukraine. His estimated net worth before becoming president was between $20–25 million.  There is no credible evidence that Zelenskyy has embezzled Western aid or significantly increased his personal wealth since taking office. It looks very much like Russian projection, because, in contrast, Russian elites, including Putin, have amassed enormous fortunes while justifying their wars as "patriotic." All of the above is verifiable with a small trip to fact checkers on Google. This propaganda piece follows a classic Russian disinformation strategy: 
  • Erasing Ukrainian agency (pretending Ukraine is controlled by the West).
  • Justifying Russian aggression (framing it as "defensive").
  • Distorting history (misrepresenting Euromaidan, Crimea, and Donbass).
  • Delegitimizing Zelenskyy (framing him as a Western puppet).
The reality is that Ukraine is fighting for its sovereignty, and Zelenskyy, far from being 'installed' has led his country in resisting an imperialist war of conquest. 

Also this dogturd about him snubing the Pope to see a British Spy.  Seriously all this is verifiable - learn how to use google.  Don't use Bing or Yahoo thogh becasue they're bobbins.  It's possible he did see intelligence services in Rome as leader from other countries not just the UK.  Allies do that. What is interesting about this is the Pope snub, throwing into the mix a thinly veiled anti-semitic accusation to trigger evangelical Christians.  The bible belt and Christian third-temple death cult in the US on the whole know nothing about Orthodox Christianity, so they can't contextualise it - while they may not be supportive of Catholicism it makes sense to them so they a group that may be outwardly Zionist (this is a whole other blog) is inwardly naturally anti-Semitic and they can connect to this as they can see Zelenskyy framed as the 'eternal Jew' trope and make sense of this.  This is also all the more poignant as on some sites this article is headed by an AI picture of Zelenskyy looking demonic and pointing out from the outset his Jewish ancestry.  


So, let’s talk about Azov.  Their Neo-Nazi association cannot be ignored. The Azov Battalion is one of the most frequently cited elements in Russian propaganda about Ukraine. While the group has a complicated history, Russian narratives exaggerate and distort its role to justify their invasion.  Let’s do a full fact check on this: 

The violent mobs that took over Kiev weren’t peaceful protesters. They were led by neo-Nazi groups like Azov Battalion—groups that openly celebrate Nazi collaborators and wear SS insignia. 

These same groups now receive Western weapons.

Fact Check: Misleading and Distorted.

Yes, the Azov Battalion has a far-right history, but this statement overstates its influence and ignores important context: 
  1. Azov was founded in 2014 as a volunteer militia to fight Russian-backed Wagner trained separatists in Donbass.
  2. Some founding members had far-right and neo-Nazi affiliations. This is undeniable, and their early use of Nazi-linked symbols (like the "Wolfsangel") fuelled concerns.
  3. In 2015, Azov was officially integrated into Ukraine’s National Guard, becoming a state-controlled military unit. This meant they were no longer an independent far-right militia but part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF).
  4. Today, the battalion makes up only a tiny fraction of Ukraine’s military (less than 0.1% of total forces).
Does Ukraine support Nazis? No. Ukraine has a Jewish president (Zelenskyy) who lost family members in the Holocaust. Ukraine does have some far-right elements, Yes. Like every country, but they are not in power, and the far-right consistently polls below 3% in Ukrainian elections. Compare that to far-right parties in places like France, Italy, or even the US and these days possibly even the UK 

Does the West fund Azov? Initially, US and NATO aid was explicitly blocked from reaching Azov due to concerns over extremism. However, since Russia's 2022 invasion, Azov, now a regular military unit, has received the same equipment as other Ukrainian forces. This is not "arming Nazis"; it’s supporting Ukraine’s defence against invasion. Of course, Russia criticizes Azov but employed the Wagner Group, a private military company that is openly neo-Nazi. Wagner's founder, Dmitry Utkin, had Nazi tattoos and named the group after Hitler’s favourite composer. Wagner has committed war crimes in Ukraine, Syria, and Africa—including mass executions and torture. 

If Russia was truly "denazifying" Ukraine, why did they sending actual neo-Nazi mercenaries to fight for them? Azov had uncomfortable far-right roots, but it is now part of Ukraine’s official military, and not an independent extremist group.  It represents a tiny fraction of Ukraine’s forces and most of the Batalilon were killed at the battle of Mariupol.  

So its a big bucket of lumpy arse gravy that Ukraine is a "Nazi state".  Furthermore there is plenty of evidence out there Zelenskyy has cracked down on far-right groups.  As a lot of these groups were supported by Russia of course this is used to claim Ukraine was oppressing Rusian speakers.  Something covered above.

The Azov s the easiest element of this for the left to dismiss.  It's uncomfortable to say the least.  If it doesn't makes sense to you then draw the parrallel to Zionism and Gaza.  Claiming that Ukraine is fascist because it once had one fascist battallion and using that as a pretext for war is a bit like the Zionists claiming that all Palestinians are responsible for the actions of HAMAS on October 7th and using that as an excuse to carpet bomb innocent civilians.  It is invoking collective responsibility as a justification for war.  The left wouldn't accept that in Palestine - then why would it accept it in Ukraine?

It was interesting that Trump, in that awful Oval office sat said that Zalenskyy had no cards left.  By pushing the Putin narrative he was certainly showing his and saying the quiet thing out loud that he was siding with the aggressor ans shifting the US into another sphere of influence.  Hardly surprising since the Kremlin has been bankrolling him for nearly 4 decades. America had a Treaty obligation to Ukraine under the Budapest accords that, quite frankly if they had honoured in 2014, would have in most likelihood prevented this war.  This must have been manna from heaven for Putin.

You may believe this response, or you may not: that’s your choice. But one thing is for sure,  the document this responds to is full of verifiable holes and mistruths.  This doesn’t of course mean that Ukraine is perfect, and that is has has never done anything wrong, but it is the victim here and Russia cannot abrogate its war crimes and that it was the aggressor that sent 120,000 troops into a sovereign nation in February 2022 leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths, not least Russians in such a way that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that Putin is a war criminal and has no regard whatsoever for human life.  

In the post cold war world, the left is naturally more pacifist than the right which tends to take a more militarist view of the world.  You can see this on social media with all the gammon generated AI of Crusaders and made up English flags.  But the left always supports the oppressed - we've see this time and time again.  What articles like the above do is weave in vranyo into the narrative.  This is a Russian method of communication which is designed to creat division and sow confusion.  The Israelis and Trump do it as well.  It is a political tool where in order to weaken the opposition the boudary between truth and lies is made indiscernable.  In this case it plays both on right-wing militarism and anti-semitism and left-wing pacifism and empathy for the other by questioning world view and sowing doubt.  Ukrainee is being supported now becasue we failed as NATO to honour Treaty commitments in 2014.  Putin is a slippery fucker and he's using Ukrainian sovereignty against it to claim that the aggressor is the victim.   In the transaction world of Trump he has transmogrified this into a game of cards.  But as Zelenskyy said 'we're not playing cards'.

Putin knows there is limited time to achieve his goals  and that he has every chance when the truth comes out, which it eventually does, and the russian body count is tallied, his three special military operation will finish him.  That document is clearly part of an endgame to secure as best a possible outcome for Russia in the inevitable peace agreement by turning public opinion.  Only it won’t work because as Trump is about to find rewarding bullies never ends well.

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